Church Center App on iOS        Church Center App on Google Play

Stay connected and up to date, in real time, with what is happening at Franklin Baptist Church. This app will give you access to recent audio and video sermons, along with our weekly bulletins, church calendar, groups and more. Stay plugged in by downloading Church Center today!

Installing Church Center

Please do not hesitate to email us if you need any assistance with installing Church Center.

Your roster in Church Center

Block-out Dates

It is really important to block-out any dates you aren’t available to be rostered for. Use the Church-Center app to add block-out dates.

Roster Notifications

Setup Church Center to notify you of roster requests. Roster requests are also delivered to your email inbox.

Accepting Roster Requests

When a roster has been created, you will receive an email and a Church Center notification. You will be asked to accept or decline each rostered session.