August Event Calendar
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Join us for a message from Josh on his Pastoral Ministry journey. “Come and join me in my final service on staff at FBC. I will be sharing stories from my 15+ years of paid ministry at FBC and share some important learnings from this time. This is a time Read more…
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Join us for a message from Josh on “Go with Gods heart”. I wonder how the beads are doing? Have they transformed? This week we discover what it means to go with Gods heart. Come along for a family friendly service and discover Gods heart for mission. Watch or Read more…
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Join us for a message from Carol on “Transformation”. This week, together as the whole church, we get to discover the potential of a popcorn kernel! As we look at week 2 of our renew together series ‘Choosing God’ Carol will lead us all together through the story of Paul’s Read more…