Connection Corner
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Jane shares on “Sensing the Gospel by Hearing”. Listening to God’s voice builds faith. John 5:25 “And I assure you that the time is coming, indeed it’s here now, when the dead will hear my voice—the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen will live.” Watch Read more…
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
We continue our series on Sensing the Gospel, this week Josh shares on “Sensing the Gospel by Smell”. Smells are both good and bad. Smell can trigger memories of people or places or events that are significant to us. John 12;1-3 The house was filled with the fragrance. Watch Read more…
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
We start a new series this week called Sensing the Gospel. As we journey toward Easter through this season of lent we are reminded of how powerful the gospel is. The good news of Jesus is so powerful and important. We are going to look at the gospel through a Read more…
Here is the latest information from our Pukekohe office.
Matt Gould from Alpha NZ shares with us. Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about life, faith and Jesus. The alpha team want you to consider, who is God prompting you to invite to one of Read more…