Weekly Whanau News
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
1. The price of lettuce and let us A few weeks ago, when we ran out of lettuce in the garden, I looked at the supermarket. $6.00! For one lettuce. We didn’t have salad that day. Hebrews 10 talks about some expensive lettuce …actually it’s “let us” in Hebrews, but that too Read more…
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
1. Leadership team update This follows on from the leadership team update two weeks ago (here’s the link if you missed it https://www.franklinbaptist.org.nz/leadership-team-update-0302/). The leadership team regularly reviews our situation as it relates to the traffic light system, and also what this means for us at Phase 2. With COVID cases increasing Read more…
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
1. Listening This week I’ve been reminded and challenged by the words in James 1:19 “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” Quick to listen. Slow to speak. Am I a good listener? Are you Read more…
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
Here is the latest and greatest from the FBC news room.
1. Waitangi Day As we approach Waitangi day, I think it’s important to continue to consider what this means for us as individuals, as a nation, and as a church. Christians played an important role in initiating the Treaty, and Christians today play an important role in honour and upholding these Read more…